BRN (Rajasthan)-

Let Grotez do the BRN (Rajasthan) for you so you can solely

focus on your income rather than BRN

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    1. To get Business Enlistment No. (BRN) for Foundation/Firm, Snap on Apply BRN. If you have any desire to apply BRN for NGO/Intentional Association, then click on Apply BRN (For NGO).


    2. If it’s not too much trouble, utilize own Portable Number/email. Try not to utilize Portable/email of eMitra or some other individual in any case gave BRN will be treated for that individual. In the event that applying BRN through Aadhaar Number, utilize Portable number enlisted in Aadhaar.


    1. 3. Before filling application for BRN, please read BR tutorial


    4. In the recognizable proof Specifics, data connected with the situation with Organization/Firm to be given.


    1. 5. Identity proof/Aadhaar No/JanAadhaar No. should be given of resident/owner only.


    6. On the off chance that Aadhaar/Jan Aadhaar is given in candidate subtleties, some data is auto filled (non-editable) and rest data is to be filled. ID Evidence picture ought to be upto 100 KB and Mark picture ought to be upto 50 KB. Picture name shouldn’t contains spot(.) or exceptional characters (like #,$,&). Just jpg/jpeg type picture ought to be transferred in ID verification and mark.


    7. In the Name and Address of Business Spot of Big business/Firm, just Organization/Firm data ought to be given.


    8. On the off chance that Name and Address of Administrative center is accessible, just it ought to be filled, in any case leave it clear.


    9. In the depiction of Significant Action, fill the pertinent work of Foundation/Firm. Prior to filling the movement, click on Action Code rundown to see the rundown of exercises. If there should arise an occurrence of any disarray, if it’s not too much trouble, contact complementary No. 18001806785 or numbers given in get in touch with Us area.


    10. If it’s not too much trouble, give, genuine no. of laborers including proprietor. Ordinarily, one Establishment/Firm doesn’t have large number of laborers, if so, if it’s not too much trouble, explain in the comments section.


    1. 11. Please choose correct ownership code, if you choose others, clarify in the remarks column.


    12. Existing/Proposed Investment is required to be filled in lakhs Rupees.



    13. Select Registration Act (whichever is applicable)

    • In the event that Foundation/Firm is enrolled in any demonstration, pick right demonstration and give subtleties. For Organization/Firm enrolled before 2011-2012 then pick long term.


    • In the event that Organization/Firm isn’t enrolled in that frame of mind at the hour of BRN application, then, at that point, just select the demonstration where you will enlist your firm in future. Rest of the subtleties might be filled by Update BRN choice accessible on entryway after enlistment of firm in that demonstration.


    14. For E-Mitra & Applicants

    • In the event that BRN application is dismissed, its explanation may saw by PRINT BRN choice. BRN might be refreshed by UPDATE BRN choice in the wake of amending the explanation determined in dismissal. There is compelling reason need to apply for new BRN.

      • • The facility to UPDATE OR CANCEL BRN online is available on portal.


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